
Bina D’Costa

Chief Investigator

Bina is a Professor at the Department of International Relations at the Australian National University, an ARC Future Fellow and a Chief Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW).

She is also a UN Special Procedures Mandate Holder in the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent. Bina previously served as at UNICEF’s Office of Research and led research-led policy advocacy in the Horn of Africa, Jordan, Lebanon, Europe, and Bangladesh.  She has advised the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, OHCHR, International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh, and various civil society justice initiatives in Asia. Her current focus is on displaced children’s protection in global humanitarian emergencies including trafficking/smuggling, child/early marriage, child labour and gender justice issues. She has published many essays and seven books, including Nationbuilding, Gender and War Crimes in South Asia and Children and the Politics of Violence. She received the Distinguished Alumni Award (Peace Studies), University of Notre Dame, United States and the Ann Tickner Award from the International Studies Association.